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»ç¿ª º¸°íministry report

from BT

  • °ü¸®ÀÚ
  • 21.11.02
  • 154,341
Dear Rev. Dr. Park and YMBB

Warm greetings to you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ from our family! Hope this prayer letter will find you all in good health as well as in good spirit. As the days pass by we always hope for good things to come up but when we see the circumstances around us we find that it is becoming worst and worst. Everywhere we see and hear the news we find worst situation and it is hard to get into normal circumstances. Sometime it is hard to believe what is happening but the Bible says that ¡®And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose¡¦..What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?¡¯ (Rom. 8: 28, 31). Whatever circumstances it may be we can stand still because our God is with us.  

We would like to thank God for his grace, love and mercy that he has shown to us in the midst of all circumstances. He never left us alone and never forsook us, instead he provided all our need according to his richness and glory. We also thank God for his protection from all kinds of sickness and diseases and also for his faithfulness. Today we are here not because of what we are but because of what he has done in our life. Therefore, we would like to thank God from the bottom of our heart. 

We also would like to express our heart-full of thanks to our prayer partners for their sincere prayer and unceasing support in the midst of all difficulties. Your generous support helped us to live and work for the kingdom of God. Thank you so much for it and May God continuously bless you and your family as well as your ministry.  

In ministry we are doing well by the grace of God. Of course, all the fellowships and churches were closed almost one and half year because of Covid-19 and services were held through zoom but now slowly it is opening in small group. We also started to get together physically from 12th of September and we also provide zoom link for those who are not able to attend physically. Of course, there is still restriction for gathering in larger group but somehow we are managing by following some protocol. Our church in border town also going to open and meet physically from this Sunday and we would like to request you to pray for protection.  

People are feeling difficult to get together because of fear of diseases and restriction but thank God that somehow they are coping with circumstances. All most every day we are busy, we have women fellowship on Tuesday, Cottage or house meeting on Wednesday, Prayer meeting on Friday and Sunday Service on Sunday. Rest of the days we visit the believers¡¯ house for pray and do some training for the local pastors. We need God¡¯s strength to serve him and we request you to pray for us. 

We have four local leaders working with us and helping in our ministry. We would like to request you to pray for them as they need strong conviction to work in the kingdom of God. They also need financial aid as our local church is support them little.  

By the grace of God and your sincere prayer our family is doing well. Both my wife and I are quite busy with ministry and our children are busy with their study. We thank God for his provision and protection we received. Tomorrow I am visiting Eastern part of Bhutan and it will take 10 days, please pray for safe journey.

Our country¡¯s situation is not yet come to normal; all the international borders are closed and there are still strong restriction and need to follow Covid-19 protocol. Those who want to travel from red zone to other part of the country they need to follow two weeks quarantine compulsory. Those who come from outside the country they need to quarantined three weeks and it is hard to go out. Of course, all people, 12 years and above got vaccinated but still fear of spreading among children below 12 years. Tourism is not yet open widely but those who want to come they can but need to follow three weeks quarantine and some of the protocols.  

Finally, once again we would like thank God for his grace, love and mercy as well as all his provision and protection. We also would like to thank all our prayer partners for their sincere prayer and unceasing support. God bless you all 

Pray points:- 

  1. Pray for our country, king and people (wellbeing of the country, wisdom for the king and salvation for the people) 
  2. Pray for all the churches in BT so that all can stand firm in faith and be true witnesses 
  3. Pray for our family as we are in need of more support (right now we don¡¯t have support for our children education, ministry fund as well as medical insurance)  
  4. Pray for our local leaders working with me to have strong desire to serve the Lord 
  5. Pray for all the activities of the church 


Chimi and family 


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